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Suengmee Seo

John Marshall Fundamental Secondary School On behalf of Great Minds in STEM, we would like to congratulate Ms. Suengmee Seo on her selection as our Educator of the Month. Ms. Seo is currently a teacher at John Marshall Fundamental Secondary School and has over twenty-five… Read More »Suengmee Seo

Yasmine Ibrahim

University of California Doctorate in Medicine At an early age, Yasmine Ibrahim knew she wanted to be an integral member of the deaf community. Raised in a single-parent household with four siblings, Yasmine’s two deaf grandparents cared for her and her siblings whenever her full-time… Read More »Yasmine Ibrahim

Jason V. Yan

Mathematics Science, and Technology Magnet Academy Roosevelt High School On behalf of Great Minds in Stem, we would like to congratulate Mr. Jason V. Yan on his selection as our Educator of the Month. On top of his outstanding participation at the Great Mind in… Read More »Jason V. Yan

Alexis Lopez

University of Texas at El Paso Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering Felipe Valdovinos Memorial Scholarship recipient GMiS Conference Delegate Alexis Lopez’ passion for education and helping his community began at an early age. Born in El Paso, Texas and later raised in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico,… Read More »Alexis Lopez

Pre-register your resume with these elite companies before the GMiS Career Fair

Students and recent graduates attending the GMiS 2022 Conference and Career Fair can save time by pre-registering with these elite employers before the conference. Browse their open internship and job listings, requirements, desired majors, and upload your resume to get ahead of the crowds. This… Read More »Pre-register your resume with these elite companies before the GMiS Career Fair