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Call for GMiS STEM Scholarship Reviewers

Great Minds in STEM seeks individuals to serve as reviewers for its 2023 GMiS STEM Scholarships. Volunteers are needed to provide thorough and independent scoring of eligible scholarship applications for a variety of merit-based corporate-sponsored and personal donor scholarships. 


1. Virtual Review 
Reviewers will be provided with approximately 20-22 applications to review online. Distribution of assignments will begin on Monday, June 26, 2023. Reviewers will be given approximately two weeks (14 days) from the date applications are distributed to read and score their assigned  applications. All assigned applications must be scored by Friday, July 21, 2023.

2. GMiS Confidential Agreement

All reviewers will be required to agree and sign the GMiS Confidential Agreement affirming that all the information provided during the scholarship review process will remain confidential to protect the privacy of the applicants and safeguard against any type of solicitation by the reviewer, including job screening or importing of information into resume banks, etc. This confidentiality is critical especially in regards to transcript and resume information.

3. Conflict of Interest

Reviewers must inform GMiS if there is a conflict of interest with the review of any application assigned to him/her.

4. Applicant Review 

On average, each application review takes about 25 minutes to read and score. All application materials are only available online for review and cannot be printed. Each application includes an essay, transcript, resume, faculty letter of recommendation, and a peer letter of recommendation. An online scoring rubric will be provided to assess the merit of the application.


  1. Reviewers must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree.
  2. Reviewers must have some education or work experience – administrative, managerial, teaching, R&D – in a STEM-related discipline.
  3. Reviewers must have the time to commit to providing a fair review of the applications assigned to them.
  4. Reviewers do not have to be from an underserved or underrepresented group.


COVID-19 greatly increased the financial hardship of many college students, especially our traditionally underrepresented STEM college students.  If you are interested in financially supporting the meritorious work and academic success of our nation’s technically-talented and underrepresented STEM college students, please consider becoming a corporate sponsor or individual donor to the tax-deductible GMiS STEM Scholarship Program. Please contact Bertha Haro, Executive Director Business Development Strategy & Fun Raising at: 

Since 2001, GMiS has awarded over $5.6 M to over 2,000 underrepresented STEM college students.